Procuring Industrial Equipment and Supplies

3 Expert Tips To Save Money on Your Next Scaffold Hire

Do you have a project that entails working at heights? It would help if you considered hiring scaffolds. This equipment comes with poles and walking boards that make it safer and easier to work at heights. However, like most equipment, scaffolds come in many different options. In addition, scaffolding hire costs vary, depending on many factors. For instance, the project size, location, length of hire, scaffold height, number of walking levels on the scaffold and the scaffold material are some of the factors that will determine how much you will spend on your scaffold hire. However, you don't have to break the bank for this, and here is your ultimate guide to get a pocket-friendly deal on your next scaffold hire.

Always Get Multiple Quotes

The first quote you get may seem like a good deal. However, getting quotes from various companies doesn't hurt because you could find an even better deal. Most scaffolding companies offer free quotes, so it may be easy to get as many quotes as possible. However, not all companies offer free quotes, so remember to ask beforehand.

It would be best also to consider how the scaffolding company conducts its quoting. Many companies will use your project plans to come up with a quote, especially if it's a new construction project. However, you don't need a plan for every project. For instance, you may not need one for a painting, window-cleaning, or gutter repair project. Therefore, it is always best to work with a company that conducts on-site visits to ensure you have the most accurate quotes.

Work With a Local Company

Location plays a crucial role when it comes to your scaffold hire costs because it determines shipping costs and other logistics. Therefore, look for a local scaffolding rental company to reduce transportation costs and save on your overall rental costs.

Prepare Your Worksite Beforehand

Preparing your site early also comes with significant cost savings when hiring scaffolds. This is particularly essential if you are being charged by the hour. Generally, setting up the equipment can be labour-intensive and time-consuming. For this reason, preparing your site beforehand can help the process go more quickly. You can do many things to ensure your site is well prepared. For instance, start by checking the weather forecast. If you are in a rainy season, it would be best to schedule delivery on a day that isn't rainy to ensure the scaffold erection process isn't delayed. In addition, you can also prepare your site by removing any obstacles that may hinder ease of access.
