Procuring Industrial Equipment and Supplies

Which Air Compressor Is Right for Your Business?

If you need to purchase a new air compressor, what do you look for? You can't simply pick a well-known brand off the shelf; you need to find the air compressor that will offer the best performance with your equipment. Hyundai, Nuair, Fini Pro and Kaeser air compressors all come with their own advantages and disadvantages, so before you make a decision you will need to consider exactly how you want to use the compressor.

How much air do you need?

Not all air-powered tools use the same amount of air, and not all tools use it constantly. You need to look at the air tools you want to use and work out what rate of air flow you will require. If you are purchasing a compressor for a business, you will need to think about the overall rate of air flow—measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM)—rather than just what is needed for a single tool. You will also lose air through all the fittings and couplings on your airline, so you can't afford to look for a compressor that only provides your bare minimum CFM requirement; you must take into account the air that will be lost before it reaches the tool.

How big should your tank be?

Air tanks come in a lot of different sizes, from small tanks of just six litres to tanks as large as five hundred litres. The larger the tank you purchase, the longer it will take to deplete, the more consistent the CFM provided to your tool will be and the more efficiently your air tools will run.

Continuous or occasional use?

Some companies run air-powered tools all day, every day, while other businesses only want to use compressed air for a few hours in the week for a particular job. The way you use compressed air will determine which type of compressor is most appropriate for your business. Each compressor will be supplied with a warranty to cover its intended use. If you need to run your air compressors all day to keep up with your workflow, you will need a different warranty to someone who only wants to run a compressor for a couple of hours a month, so check the warranty before you purchase.

Take the time to think about how your compressor will be used, and you will soon know which air compressor is the best fit for your circumstances.
